If someone wanted to adopt him, they had to be committed enough to come back several times so he could get used to them and have a chance to warm up and trust them.
Well, this WONDERFUL woman did just that. I love this woman! At first, she came in to meet our Maxie because she was sponsoring him through our sponsorship program. The day she came in, someone was very serious about adopting him, but I could see that she, too, had some interest in our boy.
But, that adoption fell through. Max just wouldn't warm up to the man. This happened over and over, and our Max waited and waited for a home.
Well, soon after, this lovely lady came back. Again and again. And Max sat on the couch next to her, then flipped over so she could rub his belly... And before you knew it, he was on her lap!
This is what companionship, love, and devotion is all about, and it makes my heart melt!
Yay for Maxie and his new Mom!
Awesome news!
Thank you for stopping by, and helping us celebrate our 100th blog posting! We are so thankful for your friendship! :)
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